Must-Have Apps That Will Save You Tons

Mobile devices with apps.
These apps can help you cut costs. 
Do you have a smartphone? Chances are you do. Everyone seems to have upgraded to a cell phone with a touch screen that can run the Internet, apps and much more. You know what else that phone can do? It can help you save tons of money on just about anything! Today, we’re going to talk about a few apps that will do just that; but these aren’t just any old money-saving apps. No, they are must-haves. So, pull out your smartphone, head over to the app store and start downloading!
Gas Buddy
I drive a lot, which is strange because I work from home. Nonetheless, I tend to go through a full tank of gas running around Portland at least once a week. So, my gas is one of my larger expenses. Well, I’m happy I found Gas Buddy. This free app figures out your location using GPS, then looks for the gas with the lowest price within your area. As I drive past the stations that show $3.71 per gallon, my Gas Buddy is showing me where I can pay $3.49!
Do you enjoy snipping coupons out of the newspaper? Great, you’re going to love this app! RetailMeNot is a database of thousands of coupons for top retailers around the United States. When shopping, you can search your app for coupons for that store, or for a specific product within that store that you’ve got your eyes on. Once you find the coupon, simply show your phone to the cashier and you save money! The best part is there are a lot of coupons on the app that you won’t find anywhere else. So, if you’re not using it, you’re most likely missing out.
Out To Eat With Kids
If you’ve got kids and like to go out to eat occasionally, this is a must-have app for sure. You know how expensive it can be to have a meal at a sit-down restaurant with all members of the family. Well, Out To Eat With Kids helps to take that cost way down. The app uses your GPS location to find family-friendly restaurants nearby. It will show where to find promotions like “Kids eat free!” and more.
Now this is the app for guys like me. I admit I love to watch television. If you’re like me, you can earn money for watching your favorite shows. I know you’re dancing around with excitement; I was too! OK, all jokes aside, this app is awesome. While you’re watching your favorite shows, check in on Viggle to share what you’re watching. When you do, you’ll be credited rewards!
Any time I buy a product that costs more than $20, I’m on ShopSavvy. The app turns your camera into a barcode scanner. When you scan a barcode, the app will search both online and in your local area for the best price on the item. You can also set it up so that you can tap the screen to buy from stores like Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy and more. The app also shows you user reviews, and keeps a wish-list for you.
If you’re into purchasing electronics, this is the app for you. As you know, the prices of electronics fluctuate wildly. As a result, buying now could either mean you’re saving money, or you’re spending more. Figuring out which of the two is true can be difficult. Decide uses complex algorithms that take history of similar products into account. As a result, the app will let you know if now is a good time to buy or you’d be more likely to get a better deal in a month or two. It’s definitely a must-have app for the techies like myself.
If you’re not shopping on Amazon for certain things, chances are, you’re spending more than you should be. A couple of months ago, my fiancé expressed the need for an elliptical. We went shopping for one at stores like Big 5 and Dicks, but they were expensive. I wrote down the brands and models that we enjoyed and went Amazon shopping. I ended up saving about $80 on the thing! Score! Since then, I’ve purchased a dresser and tons of smaller items on Amazon with the help of the app. When I’m out shopping and I want an item that I can wait a week for, I scan the barcode using my Amazon app. The app then finds the item on Amazon and I save. Just don’t use the app for anything you need immediately as shipping does take time.
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