The week in Reviewed: Best of Year edition

The holiday season is afoot, and that can only mean one thing: the unveiling of the 2014 Best of Year awards. (Well, it might also mean gifts and turkey.) Our team gives you the scoop on the best products to own in each category we cover. In the world of appliances, the name of the game this year has been improved efficiency. And in electronics, new-fangled tech like Ultra-HD 4K resolution continued to infiltrate the mainstream.
Electronics manufacturers also rolled out some of their big guns this past week, and we got to the bottom of whether they lived up to the hype. LG served up the world's first TV that touts both Ultra-HD 4K resolution and an OLED screen, and as a result, it can lay claim to being the world's finest TV. In addition, we got our hands on Sony's Xperia Z3, which offers an unparalleled camera for a smartphone and more. We also tried out Apple's latest iPad and Google's newest iPad-killing tablet, which both impressed.
The best cameras of 2014
From professional DSLRs to pocket powerhouses, these are the best cameras we tested this year. In this video feature, we showcase both the cameras we've selected and what they're capable of. Among the winners this year was camera stalwart Nikon, whose D4S took home our Best Camera of the Year award. Relative newcomer Samsung also made serious inroads into the photography market with its excellent NX1 camera, which earned our Best Mirrorless Camera award.
Eyes-on with LG's game-changing 4K OLED TV
This is the world's first review of arguably the world's best TV. LG's new 65-inch model is the first TV with both 4K and pristine OLED display tech, allowing it to create some of the highest-quality images you'll see anywhere. Many TVs in the past year have sported 4K resolution, but the increased amount of pixels doesn't always mean better picture quality. But in this case, the combination of the OLED screen's exceptional contrast and the beefed up pixel count make for an unbeatable team.
The best appliances of 2014
This video roundup takes a look at the best appliances of the year, across all categories we tested — these include refrigerators, ovens, washers, dryers, ranges, microwaves, freezers, and more. Electronics may get most of the attention during the holiday season, but upgrading your home is always a wise decision — this list will help you make the right choices.
Sony's Xperia Z3 may be the best phone money can buy
This phone would be impressive enough based solely on its camera — it puts all smartphone cameras to shame, and even rivals some point and shoots with the photos it can produce. But in addition to its camera prowess, this phone offers the full package. There are features galore, like the ability to stream PS4 games, and its battery life nearly doubles that of the latest iPhones. If you want a new smartphone, Android or otherwise, this is the one to beat.
The best laundry appliances of 2014
Sure, doing your laundry is a chore, but improvements in technology mean that washers and dryers are faster, more effective, and more energy efficient than they've ever been. This year saw the release of super-efficient heat pump dryers, which until now were popular in Europe but had yet to make a dent in the U.S. Our roundup tracks the best-performing laundry appliances on the market right now.
IPad Air 2 continues Apple's tradition of great tablets
The latest update to Apple's industry-defining iPads offers exactly what you'd expect: an excellent tablet. While it doesn't provide too many significant upgrades to last year's model, it's still the best iPad to date, which is no mean feat. Apple mostly stuck to what works, but added nice new perks like enhanced hardware, and the updated iOS 8 offers a smoother user experience than before. The only true slight against this tablet is its lackluster battery life.
The best cooking appliances of 2014
For budding chefs out there, there were a wealth of excellent ranges, ovens, and cooktops available this year. Whether you want gas, electric, or the superior new induction cooking tech for your ranges and cooktops, we've got you covered with this list of the hottest cooking appliances we tested this year.
Google's Nexus 9 is a serious contender to iPad's throne
The new Nexus 9 tablet does what few Android tablets have been able to do in recent years: Stand up to the iPad and put up a reasonable fight. It doesn't beat Apple's tablets in every category, but it's well-rounded enough that it offers a serious alternative for anyone willing to make the switch. And the most laudable quality of the Nexus 9 isn't its hardware, but its spiffy new Android Lollipop operating system.
If you're not aging your egg nog, you're doing it wrong
Depending on who you ask, egg nog is either a cherished holiday treat or an intolerable concoction. But even if you don't usually dig egg nog, hold your judgment until you try our recipe. We have a secret tip to share — the best way to enjoy this festive drink is to age it. We explain why, and offer our own recipe, but be warned: This potent nog packs a punch, so take it slow, lest you make a fool out of yourself at your holiday party.
GoPro Hero 4 Black
GoPro dominates the action camera market, with seemingly every daredevil around the world strapping the device to their foreheads in search of adventure. The Hero4 Black should help GoPro continue its dominance, as it adds high-end features like the ability to shoot video in 4K and at 120 frames per second in full HD.
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